Done! For now – Out out damned spot!
Surgery was yesterday, and I have lazed about the house all day today like a sloth moving slowly. I’ve done nothing but read a book and a half about women spies in the Revolutionary War, and answered a few calls. Talk about a leisurely life!
Lew was the patient today and his left eye — what is it about the left side of things? — was scraped behind the cornea, which had apparently become scarred. They put a contact lens over it when they were done scraping, will do the other eye next week, and eventually, when healed, he will have cataract removal, although that process should take a month and a half. Doesn’t that all sound awful? How does one even get a scar behind their cornea unless one is a boxer?
I suspect we will both have an early bedtime tonight.
Lois’ surgery was an assembly line, with Rose Hospital lining us up like a scene out of a Disney movie and marching 6-8 beds down the hallway at the stroke of 7:30 am for our various surgeries. (Be our guest! Be our guest! Put our service to the test! Tie your napkin ’round your neck, cherie, And we’ll provide the rest…)
I do remember feeling my ears ringing a few seconds into an IV, before they woke me in recovery. Apparently, all went well, and I am pristine again, although Lois is a bit banged up. A couple of hours later I was delivered in a wheelchair to Lew who waited curbside in a warmed car after I signed papers that told the world I had been discharged properly. The medicines didn’t wear off till later, and, the aftereffects aren’t bad if I don’t do much. Not supposed to do much with the arm for a while, as there may be stitches. Imagine — they used a special glue/bandage directly applied to the skin. I can’t see it, so perhaps it’s related to being varnished, or polyurethane’d, non-toxic only.
I have not got the pathology report back yet — maybe Monday or Tuesday, and I’ve not gotten to meet with the radiation oncologist or scheduled the follow-up appointment for the medical oncologist yet either, so I don’t know much beyond sleeping and being quiet. Kelley brought us dinner, and chauffeured Lew to the eye surgery today.
I hope to find out about the after-meds soon but did want to tell you that your good energy, thoughts and prayers were sustaining and appreciated. Thank you so much for all of that.