
Florence rocks, probably rolls too, with its abundant visitors from every corner of the world, art everywhere, and a generous sense of itself one can see. Proud of its heritage of being the center of the Renaissance, home of the Medici family, guardians of the spark that inspired artists and sculptors, and the foundation of the common Italian language ( not dialects-God forbid ) Amazing that Dante inspired the language, but was himself thrown out of the Florence he loved and never allowed to set a moccasin back in the city. We passed on going to Rome at this time of year, and have been happy with that decision, as we suffered through sweat-stained clothes, and group panting like pups every day now.

Our couple of days are spent at the Suore de Oblate de Santo Spiritu, which operates like a school, we think, in other seasons, with rooms like dorm rooms. Ours is, as usual, spartan, but clean, roomy, and plain. The tender Filipino nuns who have been letting us out and provide a sense of times gone by, when gentleness and courtesy reigned. They are about 4’10, both of them, and warm as toast. Security for us ladies is good, and they are close to the train station, and walking distance to the Duomo, the Plaza de Signorina, and the Ufizzi Gallery, walking distance being a variable adjective.

Food is everywhere – restaurants of every type. Last night we were too tired to go far, so we went downstairs to an Asian- probably Japanese, little place where we decided that rice spaghetti is quite the thing. We ate along with mostly Asian customers who seemed delighted to slurp their pho, and side-eye us wierdo people when we spoke.

We went on the Hop and Pop ( actually the hop on, hop off) as we weren’t driving, and it seemed like a great way to see the city. It was. and it was cool on the upper decks. And we went to Fisole, a beautiful mountain town that I would love to live in except that it is a nearly vertical town, and reaching the church at the upper level seemed like too much. Scratch that one for me. I really love mountains, but… We planned a luxurious lunch at a place overlooking the entire panorama of Florence. While the food was overpriced, the place was so well situated – when can one sit down for a linen tableclothed, fancy place, overlooking a gorgeous city, blessed to breathe and wonder at the chances that brought us fortunate folks here?

Todays adventures were keeping us busy all day, although we did sleep late. K&K had reservations for the Duomo and the Ufizzi gallery in the afternoon. I know that I had been to both places, and love both places – they are usually my reason for going to Florence, mainly. I didn’t get to the Ponte Vecchio either. This time I passed. I could not enjoy the hours long standing and walking – some concessions to age are taking place. But, I have some of the wonders. I got to the location – the Plaza della Signoria – as you know all wonders there are sculptural and available just walking up and staring at the magnificence of the warriers, beasts, actions and Gods – Neptune is overwhelmingly wonderful, right in the middle of the square. Michaelangelo’s David is there too. Always wonderful to behold.

So, walking a ways for me, but the girls got there in time to begin their tour. I sat in a cool restaurant that allowed me to simply sit and read, and V_E_R_Y slowly eat a fruit cup. The delightful man who let me do this said I was free to sit there till midnight if I wished!!!! Then I headed back to our lodgings. Or tried to. An hour later, leaning against a wall, and waiting to catch breath, my tongue glued to my mouth in the heat, I found a doorstep to sit in, in an alleyway, with no street signs, no restaurants, hopelessly lost. I waited a few minutes trying to regoogle my directions – nope – they were wrong, wrong, wrong, and taken me somewhere out of the entire quadrant of the city I had aimed for. I was running on low to empty.

The girls asked me where I was, worried I’d not made it back – they were right, I hadn’t. And I had no idea where I was. Google had failed me, but the girls did not. they walked with me on Facetime, again – finally I found a sign for a synagogue. Heartened- it would be safe, yes? They weren’t open, but I sat in a park adjacent, sharing the bench with a man. I worried -ooh, man-sharing a bench seemed maybe too forward. He was working on his laptop. I heard a conversation in english. I gathered up my nerve. The girls told me I had gone commpletely away from our goal, and it was 2 km away – toto far for this ol bird at the end of a tiring day.

He wore a Kippa – a Jewish head piece for those of you who don’t know. He was working while his wife and four children walked in the park. I asked if he knew how to call a cab, as the phont number I had didn’t go through. He tried nd got no results. He was so very kind. He said- I have an idea I will drive you (???) then he said tha his wife and children were in the park, and when they were done, and when he was finished working, he would take me to my place – it was about 15 minutes away by car. The wife and the 4 kids all came over, and I have seldom had such generous kindness from strangers. They were from New York, and the kids were polite and verbal, and cheery, and they simply put me in the car with them and he had such a can-do this attitude I was totally at peace, and living in gratitude for once. I wanted to bless them, hug them for once again, demonstrating the kindness of strangers.

The girls returned a few hours later – dinner, gelato checked off, tired and sated from city life- My God there are so many people here, it tires me out just walking. Florence is a much loved city, but I am also excited our next stop will be seaside Chiavari. After a nod to the tower at Pisa of course. Onward!!!

Did I tell you we were cheated by a cab driver? Yep! We cant believe we’ve been here over a week, and are already feeling the time shift toward last days. Not YET!

Be well, Be wary, Be Bold.

Judy, et al

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